
A piece to my fellow African youths: You are only young once

To My Fellow African Youths…

You are only young once and if you work it right, once is enough. This implies that life has left us with the conviction that it is once in a lifetime and irrespective of any teachings and doctrines, the final submission is you and I will have to pass through it once in a lifetime.

african youths

This leaves us with the understanding that, if we judiciously impact and make it worthwhile then we have no cause for regret.

It is important for us as a youth to know that what makes us young is our usefulness not our age, in other words someone can be 70years of age and still be young, while someone can be 20years of age and be old. Youthfulness is a state of the mind, the difference between the celebrated and the tolerated is their understanding of the season of life. Many have outlived their destinies, usefulness at a tender age because of the wrong decisions they made, some even mortgaged their destinies on drugs, alcohol, and pleasures, and others have decided not to learn and study no anymore.

Until you upgrade and update your mind the world will never mind you, life is never kind to those who have no value for their lives. Achievement and positive results are the measures to determine the worthy life of a youth In his own time and generation. If the same energy, power, concentration, zeal, readiness exerted on fraud and other social vices are focused on the emancipation of our own world, then You and I will realize that our world, nation and generation will be a new Jerusalem.

If as youths, we have the consciousness that our youthfulness is priceless then you have no choice than to act flawless.

No matter any amount and gift any politician gives you as a youth, note that you can’t be rich as his or her own children, all those meagre gifts are only a disguise to come and serve his own children afterwards. This is what I call ‘Physical and Political Slavery’

Finally, it is important for us as a youth to progress and not digress, to start organizing instead of agonizing.

Motivating Africa
Motivating Africa
Motivating Africa is a project determined to inspire Africans to become more and be more. To galvanize our people into a growth and opportunity mindset that will unleash our potential. It will focus on personal development, wealth creation, entrepreneurship, and success. Join Us in Motivating Africa!

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