
Why should I leave my comfort zone to chase my dreams?

Dear Comfort zone,

Why do you keep holding us back from chasing our dreams? We love you but one thing we don’t like about you is that you kill our dreams.

You are that place where we find enough comfort living in, we usually find ourselves saved and secured in you.

We never want to leave you. You give us true happiness as you provide us with freebies. You make us feel like a boss.

You can be compared with our family home where mummy provides us with food anytime we want. All we need to is cross our legs, and everything we need comes to us. We can, in fact, command our younger ones and see such commands become reality.

We can also compare you with our town or community where life is so sweet, the people are wonderful and the environment is just perfect.

My beloved comfort zone, it will also not be wrong to compare you with that friendship or relationship we find difficult to leave even when we know they are leading us nowhere. How can we ever let go of all the fun and happiness we find here, the hangouts, the visit to the cinema and so much more.

My sweet comfort zone, you are really not a bad place to be, we wish we could just stay here and keep enjoying you but the truth is with you, there is absolutely no progress.

We need to leave you to achieve our dreams, to become what we have dreamed of becoming and to make great achievements.

It is time to do away with you. You are good enough but you are definitely not beneficial. Our dreams are just too important to be left unattended to.

We will be persistent and focused in the attainment of our dreams. We will never give up as we know that our dreams won’t come so easily.

Sweet comfort zone, don’t think I am ever coming back. I will never return to you. It’s time to go out there and face the world. This is the only sure way to succeed and achieve my dreams. It’s time to get up, go out there and make things happen.

Your Former Lover,







Motivating Africa
Motivating Africa
Motivating Africa is a project determined to inspire Africans to become more and be more. To galvanize our people into a growth and opportunity mindset that will unleash our potential. It will focus on personal development, wealth creation, entrepreneurship, and success. Join Us in Motivating Africa!

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