

Greatness exists in Nigeria is a book by Dominic Chukwudubem.  See below a brief summary of what the book is all about.

Most times, we are saddled with various questions that bother our minds as Africans. Questions such as, what is the proof of greatness in Nigeria? How can we ascertain the level of greatness in Nigeria? Why should we say Nigeria is great?

These questions have thrown the mind of many Nigerians into confusion and chaos. Some persons are of the opinion that Nigeria is not great since we are not experiencing any form of growth economically. While others may say, we have no basic amenities and corruption is like the air we breathe in Nigeria. However, we cannot deny the fact that these things do exist, but it is high time for Nigerians and Africans to look inward and discover that, we are the greatness we need and this greatness can be transferred to our  great country Nigeria.

Having pondered and carried out various researches, I have discovered that Nigeria is really a great country and there are various sectors in Nigeria that manifest this greatness. But, we need every Nigerian to put hands together so that we can transform the various sectors that are not functioning effectively and make them function.

My major aim of writing this book is to help most Nigerians realize that indeed Nigeria is a great country. Also, we should focus on the positive sides of this great country and show other nations that greatness exists in our nation Nigeria.

In this book, we are made to become aware of our great history and how rich this history is to us. It has been said that no nation can move forward without that a recap of her history. Same goes for Nigeria. There is need for all Nigerians to become aware of their great history and see how this great country has strived to become what she is presently. The  younger generations also need to have certain knowledge of the historical background of this great country called Nigeria, in order for them to understand where they are coming from and where they are heading to.

Lessons in this book can be adapted to not just Nigeria but to other African countries as there is greatness in Nigeria and Africa at large.

This book is thus highly recommended to all.

Motivating Africa
Motivating Africa
Motivating Africa is a project determined to inspire Africans to become more and be more. To galvanize our people into a growth and opportunity mindset that will unleash our potential. It will focus on personal development, wealth creation, entrepreneurship, and success. Join Us in Motivating Africa!

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