
It could have been worse

It could have been worse if I had never had any option of failure in life. I have barely lived for 26years and I know that if death comes today, I should be fulfilled to have lived to die effectively. Three things have guided my sail in life, they are God, good parenting and the street motivation. I derived the title of my story from the lessons of the streets as it has pushed me to where I am today. There is no secret to success if not hard work. At times, we do not need to pray to God that we need a particular thing because HE sees our struggles and intentions; HE judges and blesses us on that basis. HE is all-knowing. If we would be guided by the light of reason, we must let our minds be bold.


I believed in myself even when at the point of rejection by those I loved most, I thought of myself as the greatest actor of my dark fate. I decided to embrace the fate of all hours.

Then, writing was just fun to me, I pick up the pen and I write on sheets of paper. Sooner, my mother collected, typed and saved them up on her system at her office, this continued till I got admission into the University. I need to quickly say this, that at the time I had this big dream of writing and being read worldwide, there was no means to that end. Then, I met Shehu, this friend of mine gave me his laptop for a complete session. He was always anticipating my next opinion write-up. Shehu is a good friend. If you have that friend that can sacrifice for you simply because he believes in you, then you are very lucky. The ones who notice the storms in your eyes, the silence in your voice and the heaviness in your heart are the ones you need to let in. I started writing and pasting on various boards in my school and suddenly, I carved a niche for myself through my writing skills. I graduated from my school boards to the national dailies and later won the Coca-Cola/The Nation Award for the ‘Best Personality Profile Reporter’ in 2012. I dedicated the national award to my mum and Shehu.

I never knew what I enjoy doing could earn me honor or even make me dine and wine with the top ones. This award earned me a one on one rapport with General Yakubu Gowon (Former, Head of States) and the Former First Lady of Calabar, Barr. Mrs Duke. I sensed that things had change and I must live up to the challenges of life.

Afterwards, I was part of the three-student team that brought honor to Nigeria by emerging first in the pilot edition of the African International Arbitration Moot Competition in Africa. I remember the words of my coach back then in Nairobi, Prof. Muhammad Akanbi, he said to me in particular at the recess period of the finals that “when faith and destiny conspire to bring you to a position that you do not expect yourself to be, you need to prove through your hard-work that you deserve more than the place they conspire to bring you to” I braved up and put in my best. True bravery is shown by performing without weakness what one might be capable of doing before the entire world. Physical bravery is an animal instinct; moral bravery is a much higher and truer courage.

It wasn’t always a smooth ride…

I must say that I failed in succeeding at some events that I longed for. I failed in my bid to become the President of my faculty but I was made the Attorney General of the same faculty. Failure is part of success. I have failed at critical points but I kept on moving. I failed my first attempt of writing West African Examinations but I scaled upon my second attempt. It was no easy task than hard-work. I was never a pessimist and I see a way where people do not see any.

Choose always the way that seems the best however rough it may be, custom will soon render it easy and agreeable. I dream with open eyes. I am fulfilled to an extent and honors have been mine even up till this moment writing this.


Motivating Africa
Motivating Africa
Motivating Africa is a project determined to inspire Africans to become more and be more. To galvanize our people into a growth and opportunity mindset that will unleash our potential. It will focus on personal development, wealth creation, entrepreneurship, and success. Join Us in Motivating Africa!

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