
The inspiring story of a female muralist, Sarah Sanni

Sarah Sanni born on the 22nd of December, spent her early years in the Northern part of Nigeria. She moved to Ibadan after her primary schooling and then relocated back to Lagos in 2002 where her journey to Artistry began.


Caught up between choosing her passion for Drawing & Painting and her flair for Computer Graphics Design, she eventually settled for studying Computer Science at the University of Benin (UNIBEN). This was after failing to make the cut-off mark for studying Architecture. Her path crossed with Manny’s; a fine artist who tutored her in the advanced techniques of wall painting and designs. Cutting her teeth with him for 6 months, she finally moved back to Lagos in 2010.

With a vast range of work experience in computer & systems administration, software development and C# programming  language, she however felt there was an incomplete part of the puzzle that was yet to fall into place. Despite the fact that she took home a regular pay cheque at the end of every month (which is every graduate's sincere prayer), a desire to pursue one's passion has a very great pull and she was no different.

The Genesis:

For some reason (which she still can't place her finger on), she got every item needed for her paintings-brushes, pencils, stencils etc. Proceeding to start making designs on paper, her very first client was none other than her own flatmate who immediately was star-struck with one of her designs(a drawing in her room tagged ‘Gossip Girls’) and asked for it to be re-created on a wall. After the encounter with her flatmate, she immediately coined the name ‘Cera's Publicist’ using social media platforms to market this amazing talent. In less than 4 weeks, she got more calls than she could handle…

Her core:

Her inspiration came from the swirl designs made on the hands and feet of brides in the Northern part of Nigeria called Laali. As a child growing up in the North, she admired these designs and took every chance to draw them on paper.. The Laali (You can google it)… is a temporary henna tattoo used to adorn brides in the Northern part of Nigeria, particularly popular in the Hausa and Fulani ethnic groups across West Africa.

From the sketching of Laali, drawing cartoon characters, making comic books to appreciating the ancient artworks from the Old Bini Kingdom, her appetite for drawing and art on a general scale grew ravenous. She acquired books on art that helped upgrade her skills. Now her core inspiration comes from just about anything around her, beautiful people, plants, lines and geometry, abstract patterns and cartoon characters for kids (Ben 10, Disney Princesses, Dora, Angry Birds, etc.)


What Does The Future Hold?

Cera Speaks..

"There is a lot more I still believe I am capable of doing with regards to my paintings and designs. I plan to register with a professional arts institute where my skills can be honed and harnessed such that I would be able to produce world class art designs. In the nearest future, I hope that all the walls in Nigeria would be awash with my paintings and designs.

Prodigies and geniuses were born with talents from birth however, some never attain their full potential because they were not nurtured or encouraged. My parents were supportive of my abilities since I was a child and also encouraged me to pursue this passion of mine. At a later time in future, I intend to establish a school of arts where kids who show interest in art can be trained and developed so that their skills can be sharpened."

Advice to Young Africans:

We are created specially and uniquely. Follow your dreams. Follow your passion. Follow your heart…it never deceives!

Motivating Africa
Motivating Africa
Motivating Africa is a project determined to inspire Africans to become more and be more. To galvanize our people into a growth and opportunity mindset that will unleash our potential. It will focus on personal development, wealth creation, entrepreneurship, and success. Join Us in Motivating Africa!


  • ahaha it all makes sense, the drawings you used to do in books back in secondary were laali inspired . Was telling someone recently of a girl back in school that started forming shapes and floral designs from a center point , lol reading this article just opened my eyes . Great work Miss and looking forward to seeing greater . Cheers

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